snug piercing migration
Two experienced piercers and an expert dermatologist talk everything you need to know about snug piercings . From pain to price, here's your guide. Something unique about a snug piercing is that its entrance and exit points are visible from the front of the ear, rather than going through to the back. Piercing migration is the process that occurs when a body piercing moves from its initial location. This process can be painful or go unnoticed, until it has progressed. Given enough time, a ring may migrate entirely outside of the skin, although it may only migrate a small amount and come to rest. Snug Piercing Migration . If not perforated properly, the pierced spot can move from its actual position and settle somewhere else on the ear taking the jewelry along. Apart from improper perforation, use of a bigger jewelry and lack of good aftercare may also cause Snug Piercing Migration . lip ...